Review: If

IF Links: Amazon, GoodReads
Pages: 296
Genre: New Adult, Romance
Stars: 5


Someone hadn’t scarred my face.
I hadn’t followed my dreams to LA.
That tweaker hadn’t attacked that homeless guy.
I hadn’t invited a stranger over for Thanksgiving.
I hadn’t fallen in love.

If I hadn’t lost him.
I hadn’t gone for that drive.
I saw the world like everyone else.
My “genius” wasn’t slowly destroying me.
I had just walked away before I could ever know her.
She hadn’t ignited the spark.

If the spark didn’t ignite the madness.

***This is a new adult/contemporary romance. NOT erotica. Standalone novel.***


ohhhhh this book. I will be fair and say that it took me FOREVER to finish reading it. and in all honesty that I have not finished a whole book since january some time…to say i loved this book would be an understatement i simply wish that i could describe how much i enjoyed it. There was no gritty sex scenes or anxiety filled shoot outs. There was nothing that would mark it as my typical read except that it was written by Nina G Jones. THAT WOMAN KILLS ME! in all honesty i can’t even remember how i came to know of this author in particular but i do know that i love her. I may be in love with her and the way she snares you and spins a tale.
This book was simply put: beautiful. I am glad i persevered through life and finished this book because it touched me. It just touched my heart and it made me cry. It made me squeal in delight and surprise. It had me laughing out loud and begging for things to turn out ok. I had conversations and arguments for the characters that just felt so real. I appreciate when characters are relatable. i appreciate when an author can make a fictional person seem so real but sometimes it kills me that the story i am reading ISN’T real because I would have been honored know someone like Bird. I would have been graced to have a friend or to even come in contact with someone as fiercely loyal as miller and Jordan. I would have been a complete fangirl if there was a real Alana in life. God i need a fairy dance mother with an attitude like Alana. This book gave me the courage to keep reviewing, i had almost quit on reviewing and building up Baby Got Stacks. I am glad that it was my first complete book back.
Bird is beautiful even with the scars and she says something so profound to me at the end of the book that i just couldn’t help but sigh as if i had fallen in love with Bird myself. In a society SO focused on the outside appearance and superficial Bird was a breath of fresh air for me. I needed her the way she needed Asher. I think i need to read about more down to earth and not your traditional beautiful women because it does give you hope.

More about the story:
Beautiful Bird lives in a crappy part of LA with her GBFF Jordan but they are barely making things work. Bird works as a dance instructor and at a restaurant while also auditioning at the same time hoping for her big dance break. She makes a judgement call and walks home alone one night; the night she meets Asher but it isn’t a normal run into each other type of thing. I commend Bird for being so brave on so many fronts. She stands up for the things she believes in not matter how many times she gets knocked down and no matter what is said about or to her. She left everything she ever knew behind to pursue her dreams. I wish i was half as as strong and brave as Bird.
he is broody and messed up he’s not perfect but he is beautiful. the art he creates and the way he is able to see things makes him extraordinary. I loved that asher taught me so many things while reading. poor baby had so much going on and felt so many things and they aren’t beautiful they were tragic and horrible and awful. his life was perfect. he lived on the street and didn’t have anything but his family and Bird. He is broken and because of that I fell a little in love with him. Asher grew up after a while but wasn’t healed and even still he was broken. it was fantastic.

i wish i had an older brother just like miller. He is strong and supportive no matter what happens and no matter how many times that Asher snaps or his wife nags Miller stays solid and to me becomes the pillar throughout this book. He is a remarkable person and i appreciate everything he does for Ash and Bird. He is beautiful for just being loyal. If there was a picture to define loyalty it would be Millers face.

Jordan sparkles and is the perfect flamboyant gay best friend. He again is not a perfect human being at all but he is a great friend and where miller is supportive of Asher Jordan is Birds support system. He is no way shape or form backs down from her temper or her looks but he is there for her best interests no matter what. He sometimes makes the story because he is so important to Bird. He knows everything about Bird and loves her regardless of her crappy decisions and her bad attitude. Jordan is the fireworks and the bright light in Birds life before ASher and even when Bird gets a little lost in all of her feelings Jordan is still there to stand by her side and be there for her the way a best friend should. he is the epitome of best friend.

i don’t want to tell you about the actual story. I don’t want to discuss any real details on what makes this story so wonderful. i will tell you that this story is about Love persevering through all. It is about forgiveness and finding your one true love. Overcoming all odds and never letting anything as petty as your looks get in the way of your dreams. it is about loving yourself and reaching for every one of your dreams even if it does hurt. No matter what you make it through and you keep going. It was spun with tragedy, upon tragedy and uneven odds but everything worked out in the end. I loved this story so much that I have filed it under favorites so i can read it again and just bask in it. I cried with this story. it was simply beautiful and heart warming. I truly am in love with this story. every little bit of it. it was sweet.

Review: Debt

Debt Links: Amazon, GoodReads
Pages: 466
Genre: Dark Romance, Adult fiction, Erotica
Stars: 3


I don’t know what I was thinking when I hired someone to attack me. Maybe I was bored, or lonely, or there was a void so deep inside of me that I needed something explosive to fill it. It was supposed to be safe. A thrill. A way to break through the monotony of everyday life. It was an illusion of danger that I could walk away from as soon as it was over. Except that it wasn’t. Because I had been in danger long before I ever invited it into my life. ——————— My mission is almost complete. The bubbling boil of vengeance that heats my blood might finally simmer. She is the last piece of the puzzle. Once I destroy her, everyone who ever hurt me will have paid their debt. It was supposed to be quick and easy, but as soon as I met her it got complicated. Very complicated.


Tax and Mia are violent, filthy and mind blowing. I seriously am reeling after reading this but mostly because i just don’t know how to feel! So MUCH HAPPENED!

Tax is beyond fucked up – yea a sexy as hell, kinky as sin, millionaire but i mean the man is literally a psycho path
Mia is frickin sick in the brain or something. I don’t think i have ever loved anyone as much as Mia loves Tax. I am jealous but at the same time i am like ok…i don’t know about you…let’s take you to get some help.
Jude – well i mean she has reason to be a bucket full of overflowing crazy but Jeeeez! She honestly scares me.
Rex is just stuck in the middle no matter how much he says he’s not.

I at some point got really impatient to know what happened to the Draconis to make them so deviant and soulless. I was so damn impatient i almost gave up on the book itself which is unusual because I LOVE this author. I have conflicted feelings; on one hand this was Hot! So hot I almost burned myself but on the other hand (because I don’t have certain preferences i think) I was a little horrified and wished i could call this author and be like WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!?!

The backstory is tragic and graphic but it happens and it sucks and is certainly enough to make any sane person insane. Hence the evil Gemini was born. Twins suffering at the same time and for most of their lives will acquire a serious Vendetta and unknowingly Mia gets stuck at the top of their hit list. Well as with most well laid plans things go wrong and Tax and Mia have a lot of sex. A. LOT. OF. SEX. not just sex i mean there is some serious kinkery and it happens often! But the thing that bothers me isn’t the sex. It’s the rape for hire that Mia signed up for – the very thing that give Tax a way to get to Mia. He uses it against her. He defiles her. He messes with her brain. He demeans her. The man BREAKS her and puts her in harm’s way while using her. Yes I am sure later on most of his choices do come from good intentions but then the broad gets back up and STILL LOVES HIM!

I don’t know if i could do it and honestly i’d judge my friend so hard that we probably couldn’t be friends anymore. This probably makes me shallow and a bad friend but the odds that they faced? The things the girl went through. The things this man has done! Sighs. This was a REALLY dark read. It was one of those reads where i took a shower afterwards and hoped that I wouldn’t feel so wrong for liking this. This was one of those dirty demonic masterpieces that shouldn’t see the light of day let alone be read in public. The story was phenomenal and the way that things twist and turn and explain themselves leaves no questions at the end of this. You get all of the answers but end up asking yourself if you would or could be that strong. Mia is remarkable. She is an Angel. She has to be for her to be in love with the devil himself.

Review: Viper’s Den Part 2 – Pixie and Jake

Pixie and Jake

Publisher: JB Heller (November 10, 2014)
Pages: 86 Pages
Genre: Short Stories, Contemporary Romance, New Adult
Source: Amazon, GoodReads
Rating: 3 Stars


Vipers Den is a novella series, but it is five individual stories. Each instalment is focused on a different staff member of Vipers Den. Are you ready meet the quirky staff members and eccentric clients that frequent The Den?

Part Two~ Pixie & Jake
Pixie had a horrible upbringing, at the first chance she had, she ran. Leaving behind everything she had ever known, including the boy who owned her heart.
Nearly 12 years later and Pixie has the life she only ever dreamed of. She is independent, self sufficient, and best of all, happy.
All her memories of the past are just that, mere memories.
Until he finds her.
Jake has been wondering the country just living each day as it came. Trying not to look for the love that left him without explanation all those years ago.
And then he see’s her. He needs answers, he needs closure, he needs her.

*This novella is the second part in the Vipers Den Series. Each installment is a story of it’s own, NOT a continuation of the first.
** If you are interested in romantic comedy, love stories, HEA and contemporary romance then this book is right up your alley.


Hmmm So I don’t know where to start with this one. I liked it. I just didn’t LOVE it the way I loved Piper and Kades story. Don’t get me wrong I love Pixie. I love her style and her class. Just the way she holds herself comes off as regal BUT I just felt like she had potential for a MUCH MUCH longer story. I get it I signed on for Novellas and while I was prepared for the short amount of time it would take for me to read this book I found that Pixie became more and more interesting as the story went on. Ash, her bff, also made for a very interesting story and one that I hope the author pursues. I feel like there was so much that was crammed into this short story that I very well could have filled up on a much longer story about these two. Her background, or the little that we get to see, is chock full of horrifying sounding details that could make a great story. As for Jake he didn’t particularly tickle my cookie with his over possessive machoness but im a pretty insensitive asshole (or so my mother says). Overall I did truly like this book I just felt like there were chapters and chapters missing. Content wise? It was a sweet and relaxing read that I could very easily recommend to someone who just needs to read something lighter than their usual.